Thursday 12 July 2012

Conscience and the inconsiderates...

What will happen when one innocent person being pulled over by a car while in a speed? outraged? of course, unlogical to me if you say no... at least a bad word uttered like g*l@... whooohooo... now you've committed a sin... but who triggered your anger, ain't it the driver, so the driver is the one who has got the swearing and at the same time he also made a sin, because being an inconsiderate one causing other people a hard time and also threatening other people's life... I've seen in front of my eyes, an innocent rider kissed the tarmac and almost hit the electric line pole if not just another dead innocent, this happened because this one Pakcik and his happy family that I have been carefully watched out, for driving carelessly and obliviously to the heavy traffic going fast and slow at his own time, and at one time maybe he had just decided to swerve to the left also at his own like, and at the same moment there was a bike traveling fast enough to try to overtake that car well maybe fed up with the waiting game, then there you go, the innocent guy thrown over the car's hood due to the impact and yelled very loudly before landing and the next moment his face been grated by the road surface for free, I've seen this type driving and it's almost everyday while I'm riding back and fro to work... so the best thing to do is to avoid being near to this type of driver, either to go faster and over take when its really safe or keep a distance and watch out... mostly I watch out for lady driver or one with white kopiah, sorry to say but these are the main threat on the road.

Tuesday 6 March 2012


Hadiah terbesar untuk birthday Daddy...

Wednesday 15 February 2012

New hair style

Harris angkat kening, dengan rambut barunya...

Dua tiga hari lepas Harris potong rambut jadi kemas... nanti Daddy snap your pics n upload

Sunday 1 January 2012


Ini satu persoalan yang sangat sensitif sebenarnya Harris...
lebih kurang sebulan yang lepas You did mention about it to me something like this in a very seriuos tone, this happen when you were frustrated n may be exhausted after long try of persuading and persevering me that day, and it was so obliterating me and it actually kept tidy in my mind, questions playing and repeating in my brain how could you ever utter such a doubtful cotroversial words like this? HAHA sounds serious but yes it's serious as you were serious... HAHA serious... bunyinya macam ni Daddy ni kedekut sangat laaa.... Daddy tak pernah nak belanjakan harta Daddy untuk Harris... terkejut Daddy melekat sampai harini soalan tu, tapi Daddy berazam Daddy akan sediakan semua yang nak bila sampai masanya nanti. InsyaAllah...

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Daddy rindu Harris n Mummy very-very much...

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Soal siapa pencipta...???

Harris ni bila bertanya sampai Daddy penat menjawab, dari soal yang remeh hingga soal siapa pencipta manusia? manusia tu binatang ke manusia? tuhan tu ada dimana? ustaz tu tuhan ke? dekat planet lain ada makhluk tak? soalan-soalan ni makin bertalu-talu kalau baring2 dekat nak tido, takut jugak Daddy nak menjawab sebab kalau salah jawab, lekat pulak pemahaman salah tu sampai ke tua, siapa yang salah, nanti Daddy jugak yg dikatakan jahil agama... nauzubillah

Thursday 3 November 2011

servis keta

Harini Daddy n Harris gi servis keta, Harris siap panjat pokok lagi kat situ... bessttt kan Harris...

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Thursday 13 October 2011

However dim the light ahead of you, just go on, find the path that brings you through...
Don't try to be everything to everyone 'cause it can kill, but be everything to yourself and your closest exclusively... I'm sure you're gonna win...
Keep your sadness in the hide, show your will to the greatest height...
While your strenght put to the test, hold on through don't even break,
Pray only to Allah, May god give the best.....

Saturday 14 May 2011


Video of you climb up a tree... lama daddy tak update, laptop kena kongsi bertiga...

Sunday 3 April 2011

Another Direct Style of You...

This is Daddy with big head, small round body and thin arms and legs, funny... but guess, I have close cut hair isn't it?...

This kind of rendering is something what you normally practice when you have nothing else to do... Upin and Ipin is not your thing anymore, after all the narratives are done, I think... seems like you are interested in something else like army trainings coz you always mention that you wanna be an army... now youtube is all army thingy...
up to you... haha

Next is the skill you have been practicing long ago, but tonight I got it captured on video. It's not easy but nice, you've perfected it.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Conscience of Selfishness

Continued from then, as I told you before Conscience is a must to be a good Muslim but victory is part of the call by Allah on each of it's slaves, so this is where a little selfishness is needed in order to gain your goals and victories. This doesn't mean that you've got to be rude or inconsiderate but to be considerate itself towards yourself before making any decisions in order to gain a victory, for example, a case of a normal young man, as a youth, being together with friends are a part of daily life, at the same time, it is actually the prime time to decide which route that one would depart for his or her own future undertakings, there is always disturbances and distractions going to happen along the way. This is the point where the alot of turbulences and air pockets to avoid, so at some points, there will always a need for you to think only of yourself as the VIP to be saved, even it means to loose a mate... friends are important in order to win but sometimes friends can also pull you down if you fail to consider... so think. It is always sad to loose but the fact is, loosing is part of the game, weather you yourself loosing, or someone else got to loose is that matter... so think again...

Monday 28 March 2011


Conscience is the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual or more clearly the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives that impels one toward right action, conscience can actually emerge from oneself through discipline and lessons taught through out his or her life. As I promised to you before, I will elaborate a little further into what is actually being considerate is all about. Conscience is about considering other people's interest, which means if you are going to do something then you should think about what is the consequence going to inflict on the others. The simplest example available is if you are driving in a car, then consider what is it going to happen if you are to change lane without any signal or at least any preemptive measures like checking your rearview mirror or checking your side, this is sometime taken lightly but the impact is very actually deep, why do I say deep? now check what if your are the one being threatened with this type of driving and furthermore you are riding a bike at a speed, what would you think of the driver?